Robbinsdale Area Schools
Engineering and Arts

Drop-Off Procedures

Below are the procedures for families that will be dropping off & picking up curbside at SEA.

Parent Drop Off and Parent Pick Up:  SEA will be implementing both curbside drop off and pick up during the 2024-25 school year at 9:10 a.m. and 3:40 p.m.   

Curbside - Vehicle and bus main entrance to SEA is located on the south side of the school of Kelly Drive. Vehicles will stay to the right and line up curbside on the south side of the school. Stopping at the end of the sidewalk.  Buses will travel to the back parking lot and line up curbside on the west side of the school. A staff member will be curbside directing traffic. 

Drop-off: (9:10-9:20 a.m.) 

  • Students will begin to unload vehicles at 9:10 a.m. (Do not exit the vehicle prior to 9:10 a.m.)

  • Students will be dropped-off from vehicles at curbside on the southside of SEA then walk to the main entrance - Door 1.  

  • Wait for a staff member to signal the student(s) to exit the vehicle. 

  • The driver should remain in their vehicle, there are staff members available to help student(s) exit the vehicle, if needed.  

  • Students must exit the vehicle on the passenger side for safety reasons.  

  • Once your student(s) exits the vehicle, a staff member will also give you a signal to turn left and loop through the main parking lot to exit from the main entrance.  Exit turning right onto Kelly Drive. 

  • Be aware of traffic, watch for buses entering and vehicles entering and exiting.  

  • A staff member will be on Kelly Drive directing the flow of traffic. 

  • Review the map of the location for drop-off/pick-up.

Pick-Up: (3:40-3:55 p.m.)

  • Vehicles will enter the main entrance of SEA and keep to the right forming a line of vehicles on the southside of SEA - curbside.   

  • Please have a sign with your child’s first & last name and grade level visible for staff  who will radio for your student for dismissal (large print)  (make own sign).

  • You will need to display/or hold up your sign in the car window for the staff member to radio for your student. 

  • Student names will start being called at 3:40 p.m.

  • Students will be dismissed from the Kin Lab - Door 2. 

  • Staff will be at all locations to support student(s) during the pick up process for vehicles and buses.

  • Students will approach and enter vehicles on the passenger side.

  • Once your student(s) enters the vehicle, a staff member will also give you a signal to turn left and loop through the main parking lot to exit from the main entrance.  Exit turning right onto Kelly Drive.

  • Please stay off of cell phones and do not pass other vehicles.

  • Please do not get out of your vehicle, students should enter the passenger side of the vehicle.  

  • Be aware of traffic, watch for buses entering and vehicles entering and exiting. 

  • Thank you in advance for taking turns entering the parking lot during pick up.  

  • Review the map of the location for drop-off/pick-up.