Dear SEA Families,
At the School of Engineering and Arts we believe that the outdoors is our biggest classroom.
Students in every grade spend time learning outside year-round to take advantage of the learning
opportunities that are found in all types of weather.
We need your help in ensuring that outdoor learning is a successful, positive experience for all of
our students. All students should have weather appropriate outdoor gear at school each day. We
recommend checking the weather regularly and having students dress in layers. If desired,
students can keep a change of clothing in their backpack. During inclement weather, we follow
Minnesota Department of Education safety guidelines for being outside.
The list below can be used as guidance for what outdoor gear students should have.
Fall & Spring Outdoor Gear
● Waterproof boots or extra shoes
for wet or muddy days
● Sweatshirt or jacket
● Rain jacket and rain pants (optional)
Winter Outdoor Gear
● Winter Hat
● Two pairs of warm mittens
● Winter Jacket
● Snow Pants
● Winter Boots
● Neck Gaiter or scarf (optional)
*** Please Clearly Label All Outdoor Gear ***
➔ We understand that sometimes it is difficult to obtain the necessary outdoor gear for your
child. We can help. Please complete the form at or call
Wendy Mathiason, School Social Worker, at 763-504-8032 to let us know what gear your
child needs.
➔ If you have gear that you are able to donate, or funds for purchasing outdoor gear, please
contact the main office to see what our current needs are before bringing in donated
Thank you for your partnership and support of our outdoor learning experiences. The outdoors
provides opportunities for enhancing our innate sense of wonder and concrete experiences to
support the understanding of complex and abstract concepts. Spending time out of the
classroom also adds variety to our instruction and the learning experiences we provide for
students. If you have any questions, please contact us through the main office.
Martha Hovde
Heather Hanson, Principal