Robbinsdale Area Schools
Engineering and Arts

Special Education

Special Education is specialized instruction specific to a child at no cost to families. To receive special education services, children must meet specific criteria set by the State of Minnesota and the Federal Government. 

Our Special Education department serves approximately 1,100 students who range in age from birth to age 21. We offer a wide range of service delivery models. Most students receive services in their neighborhood school and, when possible, in their regular class setting. Service models include home-based services for infants and toddlers, 1:1 instruction, small group instruction, instruction in the general education classroom and off-site instruction as determined by the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) team. 

Special Education Staff

The Special Education department includes staff who are experts in their fields, including:

  • Speech and Language Pathologists
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Developmental Adaptive Physical Education (DAPE) Teachers
  • Work Experience Coordinators
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Physical Therapists

In addition, Special Education offers support services in coordination with: 

  • Early Childhood Special Education
  • Counselors and Nurses (K-12)
  • Robbinsdale Transition Center (ages 18-21)
  • Homebound Instruction
  • Special Transportation


toni boyden

Toni Boyden
Director of Student Services

Justin Flesher
Administrative Assistant

Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)

Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) services support children ages 0-3 in the home setting and children ages 3-5 in school-based and community-based programs. Students who qualify for special education may receive services from ECSE teachers, speech/language pathologists, occupational therapists, and/or physical therapists depending on individual student needs. 

K-12 Special Education

Our special education teachers, related specialists, and staff work collaboratively with students, parents/guardians to:

  • Assist in identifying students with disabilities using the multidisciplinary team process
  • Implement due process standards in collaboration with the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) team
  • Provide the appropriate specialized instruction to students through their IEP, based on the child’s disability-related need
  • Monitor the student’s progress based on the goals and objectives written in the IEP
  • Actively participate in professional development to remain current with special education statutes, rules, regulations, and best practices in specialized instruction

Transition Services - Post Grade 12 to Age 21

The Robbinsdale Transition Center (RTC) is a special education program that serves young adults, ages 18-21 receiving special education services. Our students have a range of abilities and disabilities and need assistance in making the transition from school to life in the community. Students are referred to RTC by their attendance area high school. RTC provides opportunities for students to expand their work and interpersonal skills, build self-esteem, and learn about self-acceptance and self-advocacy, as specified in their Individual Education Plan (IEP).